G.W. Aru, LLC is pleased to offer a full line of Ultra FCC Additives™ manufactured by our OEM partners and suppliers in the USA, China and Europe. These additives can be packaged in any manner to meet your requirements and we can work with our logistics partners and suppliers to further optimize the material handling requirements and costs for your additive usage needs. Independent Quality Control and Assurance is provided by Cat Testing Labs, Inc (CTL), which is trusted by many refiners to provide QC and QA of catalysts and additives produced by US-based and overseas manufacturers.
Our Ultra FCC Additives™ include Busters™, Boosters™, Opters™, and Great FCC Promoters™ (GFP™).
Buster FCC Additives™
Bust-Out the molecules you don’t want in your FCC stack emissions and in your product yields. Our Buster FCC Additives™ also Bust-Down the high prices you have been paying for these additives, many of which are based on technologies and expired patents from the last century.
Ultra SOxBuster™ – USB™
Bust-Out the SOx in your FCC stack emissions at a significant savings. Why are you paying premium prices for technologies developed in the last millennium and facing surcharges whenever the price of any component increases? Bust-Down your environmental compl$ance costs! We offer high-performance at a reasonable price. Available now!
Ultra CokeBuster™ – UCB™ Coke reduction additive will improve your FCC yields and profitability without Busting your operating budget. With our partners and suppliers, we can manage a total catalyst solution that optimizes performance and material handling logistics while also helping manage your operating expenses.
Ultra NOxBuster™ – UNB™
Bust the NOx from your FCC Stack. Combined with our patent-pending Super Low NOx (SLN™) CO Promoter Products, we can help you meet the new NOx emissions requirements being proposed by some national and local regulatory authorities. We are currently conducting testing with our manufacturing partner with commercialization expected by year end.
Ultra MCBuster™ – UMCB™ provides Main Column Bottoms reduction buy Busting the large bottoms-forming precursor molecules that reduce your FCC profitability. Let us work with you to improve your FCC yields and profits.
Ultra GSBuster™ - UGSB™
Busts the sulfur from your gasoline to help you meet your Tier 3 and other gasoline sulfur requirements. We can help you tailor a catalyst and additive solution to enable maximum sulfur reduction performance.